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Xiaomi reveals the BlackShark 3 5G phone battery capacity, and the ma  - الدار البيضاء - المغرب

رمز الإعلان: 297673
غير محدد
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Xiaomi reveals the BlackShark 3 5G phone battery capacity, and the ma 

The Xiaomi sub-brand BlackShark is preparing to launch a new player-oriented phone that will feature a screen of + QuadHD features with a refresh rate of 120Hz, and an eight-core processor from the category Snapdragon 865. As we said, the director of the brand today went to the Chinese social network Weibo to confirm that The upcoming BlackShark 3 will also feature a 5000mAh battery that supports 65W fast charging, which means that it will be possible to fully recharge this battery within 38 minutes.

السعر: غير محدد
رمز الإعلان: 297673
  • تاريخ بداية الإعلان:
  • 2020.03.11
  • الدولة
  • المغرب Morocco
  • المحافظة
  • الدار البيضاء
  • المدينة:
  • Mohammedia
  • الفترة الزمنية المتبقية
  • إنتهت فترة الإعلان.
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